What is consumer-directed home health care?
The consume-directed care model is a service delivery model which incorporates the following three services: personal care, respite care, and companion care. Consumer-directed healthcare services differ from Agency-directed services in which the individual is responsible for regulating their services rather than a home care agency. With CD, the individual will connect with a service facilitator to ensure they are directing their services efficiently.
To receive CD services, the individual receiving services must act as the employer of record (EOR) or designate an individual to be the EOR. The EOR hires, trains, and supervises the caregiver(s). Minors (under the age of 18) are required to have a designated EOR.
What is Service Facilitation?
A service facilitator (SF) is a Medicaid-enrolled provider who is trained and certified to assist individuals who are engaged in a consumer-directed care program. It is preferred that an SF is a Registered Nurse. The SF works directly with the Employer of Record.
The duties of the SF are to:
Support the individual by ensuring the development and monitoring of consumer-directed personal care accurately follows the services plan.
Train on how to be an effective employer of record.
Complete an ongoing review of services and activities.
Provide follow-up training when needed.
Assist with questions regarding services rendered by caregivers, hiring of caregivers, and record keeping.
How do I get started?
To get started with consumer-directed healthcare services and receive service facilitation from "YOUniversal Home Health Care," you must be approved through Medicaid for waiver services. To initiate services, you must be screened by your local Department of Social Services or by a hospital facility if you were recently discharged. The screening will provide you with a Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI) form. We must receive your completed UAI to initiate service facilitation.